Thursday, August 21, 2008

Raggedy Ann *updated

* updated: 9:43pm...

On my way to bed. Thank-you for the encouragement, prayers, scripture verses, and love. Within moments of writing this post I felt more peace and patience.

I watched an old version of "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe" with the kids while eating popcorn for supper, I bathed them and tucked them in, then I played with the puppy and we both got some good exercise, I savoured a glass of wine, and I'm off to bed before 10.

It was a good evening. I checked my sitemeter, and saw that there were 10 hits within the first hour after I posted - your prayers totally worked and blessed me! Thank-you.

Do you ever have one of those days where you just feel spent? Worn out? Just like Raggedy Ann?

That's me today. It's been a rough day. A long day. A day I'd like to forget. One that would go down in the motherhood hall of shame.

Today, I had no patience, no fun, no snuggles.

I could use prayers. If you've got some good scriptures to share about anger, patience, love, parenting - I'll take those, too. Thanks.

Soon it will be bedtime. I should probably hit the hay as soon as I'm certain the kids are asleep. As I tell my kids, my cranky attitude is saying that I'm tired and need more sleep.


  1. I had my days of "shame" too. We all have them. And the amazing thing is that your kids love you anyway. They are soooo forgiving! Don't be too hard on yourself.

  2. I'm glad you came by to read about my Spirited Daughter. I hope you got some sense that you are not alone... God Bless You!

  3. I have to look at these daily! Especially the first one! Consider me the fool.

    Proverbs 29:11 "A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man keeps himself under control".

    Jonah 4:4 "But the LORD replied, "Have you any right to be angry?"

    James 1:19"My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,"

  4. I am working so hard on this. I pray every morning for the strength to take a step back and pause. It helps me (when I can remember to do it!!).

    A few weeks ago, I was leading the preschoolers in service, and the week's verse was "Love is Patient, Love is Kind". I mentioned that I pray for patience every morning, and Cameron piped up and said, "I've never heard you do that." I told I do it before he even gets out of bed. The other teachers got a big kick out of that.

  5. Oh, I forgot to say - I will pray for you. Tomorrow will be better.

    Take care.

  6. I am praying for you, too!!! I have those days. Everyone has those days... but we get a wonderful gift of starting over each new day!


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