Thursday, March 24, 2011

A Life Sentence

I've been asking God a question each day for about two weeks now. I started by asking Him how He feels about me; I've asked Him things about my ministry; I even asked if there was anything in me that offends Him. This morning, I asked Him what one thing He wants me to do to show His love to my family.

His answer was surprisingly brief: Put their needs before your own.

The selfish me wanted to build in some parenthetical clauses to His suggestion command. I waited, in hopes that He would say something about setting boundaries for my time, and within those set-aside times I could tell everyone I was unavailable. But as long as I put their needs first at other times - the not-me times - I'd be obeying Him. I waited in the quiet for two full absolutely silent minutes.

Since He wasn't saying anything else, I asked, "Is that it?" I didn't sense a reply, but I'm pretty sure I felt a heavenly chuckle wash over me. Nothing else. Just one brief sentence from God. A life sentence. (Perhaps in more ways than one! Kidding, kidding.)

It's fitting, then, that a guest post I wrote a while back is coming out this morning on Frontline Moms...

I am a busy mom of five, an aspiring author and speaker, and an active volunteer in my community. (When I say that, I like to imagine a small chorus of angels applauding. Just kidding!) But you see, being busy sometimes gets me thinking “I’m too busy.”

Imagine me sitting at my computer, working on an article…

“Mom, will you sit and watch America’s Funniest Home Videos with me?”
I’ll be there in a minute. (Which often translates into ten minutes.)

“Mom, can you get me a drink?”...(continued)

Pop over to Frontline Moms to read the rest of the post, and while you're there, I'd love for you to leave a comment! Feel free to stroll around checking out other great posts by Lisa Cherry and her team of Frontline Moms. I'm pretty sure you'll fall in love. (On a little side note, Lisa and I have "known" each other for about a year now, and I had the privilege of meeting her in person a few weeks ago. I saw her speak a WORD at a women's conference! She's shorter than I expected, but every bit as wonderful as I anticipated.)

And while you're clicking links, don't forget about my li'l contest. Today is your last chance to leave a comment!

What's God been talking to you about lately?

This post is part of a weekly Lent series, Without Question, where we are taking time to ask God the questions that are on our hearts and listen for His answers. Anyone is welcome to join - for just one post or for the entire series.

To participate, simply write a blog post (or if you don't have a blog, leave a comment) about what God has been speaking into your heart. In your post, provide a link back to this post. If you wish, you can also insert the WQ graphic in your post. Then insert the URL for your Without Question blog post in the McLinky below.

1 comment:

  1. I found you on the Frontline Moms post and am now following and subscribing to you. Great blog! Stop by for a visit some time.



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