Thursday, March 17, 2011

And my heart turns violently inside of my chest...

I tend to be performance-oriented. Measurable progress motivates me. Crossing items off a list satisfies me. So it's not surprising that, to date, most of my questions for God have revolved around what I do. I've asked Him things about my writing, my parenting, my actions towards friends and strangers.

Today, I could think of nothing to ask. So I asked God what He wants to speak to me about today. In my heart, I sensed a whisper...

Let's talk about how much I love you; you need to be reminded.

And He told me that He loves who I am, not what I do. He told me a hundred ways how He loves me, and the only reason He offered was because I am His.

Not once did He mention the work that I do at home or outside of the home. He didn't bring up my roles as a wife and mother. He didn't talk about my weight, the cleanliness of my house (or lack thereof), my volunteer work.

But over and over again, He washed His waves of Scripture over me, loving me simply because I exist.

Suddenly, the weight of all that pressure - the self-imposed pressure - to do is lifted. I am reminded that the most important thing is not to do, but to be. To be His, to be in His presence, to be in His love.

Psalm 139

How He Loves (David Crowder Band)
* The title for this post is a line from the song.

This post is part of a weekly Lent series, Without Question, where we are taking time to ask God the questions that are on our hearts and listen for His answers. Anyone is welcome to join - for just one post or for the entire series.

To participate, simply write a blog post (or if you don't have a blog, leave a comment) about what God has been speaking into your heart. In your post, provide a link back to this post. If you wish, you can also insert the WQ graphic in your post. Then insert the URL for your Without Question blog post in the McLinky below.

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