On my blog, I try not to tackle too many "controversial issues." I want this to be a place of encouragement for other women (not a place for controversy or debate), and my hope is to draw more readers (not scare them away with overbearing opinions). But there is something happening in Christian circles that I cannot remain silent about.
Have you watched any television lately? Any movies? I am disturbed by how using the Lord's Name in vain has become normalized. Movies with a "G" rating (for example, "Hotel for Dogs") have
children speaking God's Holy Name in vain! Programming on the Family channel - it's called
Family channel, people - same thing. I will give credit to
Disney, as I have NEVER heard the Lord's name used in vain on any of their shows (ie., Hannah Montana, Cory in the House) nor their movies.
Honestly, it is getting frustrating! You think you can take your kids to a movie rated "G" and expect that there will be little in that movie that would not be appropriate for the children's eyes and ears... I am learning to check out each movie and show we are considering viewing on
pluggedin before we view (but sometimes I still forget and am disappointed). I try to use these disappointing experiences as an opportunity to teach my kids about the holiness of God's name, so that they grasp the importance of not doing as they do in the movies.
Though it makes my heart heavy, this misuse of God's name doesn't surprise me. After all, we know that the world is a sinful place and the things of this world are not the things of God. What I find completely shocking, though, is when I hear our Father's name used in this manner by Christian people! Hearing those who love God speak his name with anything but reverence knocks the wind out of my chest and crushes my spirit. I can only imagine what it does to the heart of God.
Recently, I have heard our Abba's name used as an exclamation point (as in, "Oh my goodness!") by Christian leaders - in large public forums. Just yesterday, by a Christian woman teaching a seminar to other Christian women. A few months back, from the pulpit of a large, well-known church. To say that I was shocked is a gross understatement! I wonder if this makes God weep...or rage?
There is a part of me that says, “just ignore it…so many people say it…movies and TV shows that are rated “G” use it…it’s not surprising that even Christian people are beginning to talk this way.” But I just keep hearing the Lord speak to my heart and tell me, “Take a stand for My Name! It is Holy! It will not be misused! You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name.” (Exodus 20:7)
So many people in my life casually use His name as an exclamation point, or even as a swear word, and it pierces me (I can’t imagine how deeply it pierces Him). For many of them, there is no understanding of what they are doing because they don’t Him, and my saying something would likely only turn them off of the Jesus I love. But to hear others who love Jesus use His name – the most majestic name in all the earth (Psalm 8:9) - as an expletive…I feel completely weighed down with the burden of reminding them of Whom they serve.
So here is a
question for you:
What do you say or do (what should I say or do) when hearing people use the Lord's name in vain? Should our response vary depending on whether that person is a believer or not?And a
challenge for you (and me):
Take one day's quiet time and dedicate it to digging through the Bible and finding references to God's name - how it should or shouldn't be used, the holiness of it, how He wants it glorified, etc.And if you love Jesus, but find yourself unthinkingly using any variation of His name with anything other than awe and reverence, I would ask you
Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together. ~Psalm 34:3 (emphasis mine)