Monday, May 11, 2009


Over these past eleven years and five children, I've experienced a few weight fluctuations (to put it mildly). Once the time of nursing a baby is done, I find myself in need of a serious metabolic overhaul. No time in my life, though, has been such a struggle as this past year.

I have not simply struggled to lose the baby weight, but have found myself gaining - over and over again. There are these fifteen pounds that leave and return, and each time they return they bring a few friends along.

You may recall my "before" pictures. My current weight is 2.8 lbs higher than it was when I started (in January of 2008). I simply have to do something about this! It is not good - I don't feel good, I don't look good, I am not healthy, I have low energy.

The source of my weight problem is me. I lack the self-control to resist the junk foods I enjoy (not only can I not resist them, but I seem incapable of enjoying them in moderation). I lack the self-discipline to exercise regularly. I also know that I ultimately lack the power to change these issues in myself.

I have compartmentalized this weight loss thing as separate from the rest of my life. For everything in my life, I seek God and His will. Except for losing weight. At first I believed I should be able to just do it, and it seemed a silly thing to be praying about. As time passed, I think I avoided bringing it to the Lord because I know He will ask me to change.

Yesterday, I began using my Weight Watchers tools to count points again. Not simply because I want to lose weight, but because I believe it is a tool that God has provided to help me obey Him. He wants me to submit all areas of my life to Him - and that includes my health. When I feel that emotional burn that drives me to eat (and eat, and eat), He wants me to come to Him instead.

I ask for your prayers as I commence this journey once again.

Related post: Time for an Overhaul.


  1. I know where you are coming from. I wish there was an easy way to lose weight but unfortunately chips and dip taste better than spinach salad. Good luck, let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

  2. I can so relate to this! (except my "baby" is 17 and I still have the extra poundage.) To add to my disobedience, I tend to grumble about my weight. (what were those verses about contentment, no complaining and rejoicing always?) I think at this point my biggest motivation is fear/age. I'm afraid that if I don't do it now, it will stick to me forever as my metabolism changes with aging. (something else I am NOT going to complain about!)


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