Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Kleenex, Anyone?

As I mentioned, I was away (in town, but away from home) all day Friday and Saturday. After Church on Sunday I discovered the most beautiful card on the counter...
"Dad remember your speshule. You are own of God's Pepule."
"Deer Dad Jesus is God's Son. Jesus dide on the crost to forgive our sins. God's son is Jesus." ("God" is at the top - which Abbey said was intentional, because He should be at the top of everything.)
I read the card through, turned to Pat, and said something along the lines of, "Aw, what a speshule card you received." He smiled and brought me one of my own...
"Welcome back home mom. God loves you. remeber God."
That's tough to read - here's a close-up.
"Deer Mom You are my best frend. God Loves You. You are speshul. Love The lord Your God with ole your sol and with ole your hrte and with ole your stracth. Deuteronomy 6:5." (This was her memory verse from 2 weeks ago...)
Pat watched me read it, then made some comment about me getting teary-eyed. Uhm - ahem - no, no, I'm fine, just give me a moment to clear my throat and get this dratted eyelash out of my eye.


  1. Those are so beautiful. Children are wonderful!! Thank you for sharing them :)

  2. beautiful and right out of the mouth of babes...
    To precious...
    Children never cease to amaze me at their beauty...
    So much to be learned from these little people that God gave (lent) us...
    To see the world through their eyes...

    You are blessed Tyler

  3. Amazing, incredible, lovely, heart wrenching. Give Abbey a hug from me.

  4. Children are definitely a gift from God!! What a sweetheart little Abbey is...can I have her ;)

  5. Those are too precious. I love what they come up with all on their own!


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