Thursday, April 21, 2011

You are Loved

Well, it's the end. The end of our journey together, seeking God, asking the questions on our heart, and listening for His answers.

I asked God a lot of questions:
- the ones listed in the first post
- Lord, what do you want me to do when it comes to the writing/speaking ministry?
- Father, will you point out anything in me that offends You?
- Lord, what is one thing I can do to be a better wife?
- Lord Jesus, how can I be a blessing to my brother and sister?
- Lord, am I supposed to be seeking an income?
- How much should I spend on groceries today?
- Lord, how can I get my focus off myself and better honor You in my life?

The answer that resounds with me, out of all those 40 days, is from the one day I had no questions to ask...

I prayed, Father, I don't know what to ask You today. What do You want to talk to me about?

He replied...

Let's talk about how much I love you; you need a reminder.

Before you were formed in your mother's womb, I knew you. I shaped you as you grew in the secret place.

I have a special plan for you and your life. It's a plan for hope and prosperity.

I know every hair on your head. I know every desire of your heart. In fact, I placed them there.

You are more precious than rubies, more valuable than gold. I am enthralled with your beauty.

I want to dance over you with My love. I want to bless you. Your joy brings me joy.

My great love for you cannot be measured. Listen to My love in Psalm 139. Do not forget how much I love you.

All I desire is for you to love Me in return.

That, for me, is the one thing I want to remember from this time of listening to God's voice.

And you know what, I think that today God wants you to read those words and take them for yourself. You are His treasured bride, and He's telling me that you need to be reminded of how precious you are to Him.

So why don't you go back to the words in red, put your name ahead of them, and read your Abba's love letter to you?

If you took this journey with me, even just for part of it, what is the main thing you want to remember?


This post is part of a weekly Lent series, Without Question, where we are taking time to ask God the questions that are on our hearts and listen for His answers. Anyone is welcome to join - for just one post or for the entire series.

To participate, simply write a blog post (or if you don't have a blog, leave a comment) about what God has been speaking into your heart. In your post, provide a link back to this post. If you wish, you can also insert the WQ graphic in your post. Then insert the URL for your Without Question blog post in the McLinky below.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Tyler, I certainly did need to read your list of how my Jesus loves me!
    Blessings on your Easter celebrations!


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