Saturday, January 16, 2010

Saturday Morning Visit - 01/16/10

My friend Bobbie (who blogs at 40 Shades of Pink) ran across a fun idea for Saturday mornings, inspired by the Nie and You blog. Okay, I confess, we completely stole the idea!

I will post a picture of a typical Saturday morning here in Alberta. Bobbie will post one of her Saturday morning in Louisiana. Maybe you'd like to join us? (If you do, stick a link in our comments so we can come visit you.)

First cuppa coffee, email, bedhead... 7:22am.
Alberta, Canada


  1. Its pretty impressive that you are up, dressed, with coffee made and at the computer at 7:22am on Saturday.

  2. I second that!

    I posted what it looks like at my house on Saturday morning. But because of my very limited computer skills can't make the nice little linky things you do.

  3. Bwahahahaha! Dressed? I am wearing exercise pants, the tank top I slept in, and a sweater on top. In fact, at 2:09pm I am still wearing that exact thing.


I am so glad you stopped by! My hope is that we can engage in a conversation together. I love to reply to your comments, but I need your help to make that happen.

If you have a blogger profile, would you consider editing your profile to "show my email address?" Then, when I receive your comment in my email inbox, I can reply directly to you.

Alternately, you can check the box "email follow up comments to..." so that I can reply to you right here. (You will also receive other readers' comments using this method.)

I'm excited to get to know you better!