Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Tiny Talk Tuesday

Megan is an eighty-year-old woman in a six-year-old's body. I know this, because only old women talk like she does.

Last night, as we drove home, she opened her window. It was +12C - unseasonably warm for January in Alberta. Enjoying the warm breeze on her face, Megan leaned her head back and sighed.

"Mom," she said, "This warm weather is so fabulous! Tomorrow, after school, we should all go for a nice walk. Wouldn't that be lovely?"

Sure, Grandma, that would be just lovely. ;)


  1. very cute. My 2.5 year old often says stuff which I think is way too serious and grown up, but thoughtful.

  2. Sometimes I feel like that with my daughter too:)

    Have you seen/read any Fancy Nancy (Jane O'Connor) books? She might enjoy them since Fancy Nancy uses words beyond her years as well:) It's a cute series!

  3. Clearly Megan should come and live with me and the other 80 years old and enjoy more of her kind...

  4. I love when they bust out with this stuff! My oldest does that stuff. So cute!

    Happy TTT!


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