Saturday, January 23, 2010

Saturday Morning Visit - 01/23/10

My friend Bobbie (who blogs at 40 Shades of Pink) ran across a fun idea for Saturday mornings, inspired by the Nie and You blog. Okay, I confess, we completely stole the idea!

I will post a picture of a typical Saturday morning here in Alberta. Bobbie will post one of her Saturday morning in Louisiana. Maybe you'd like to join us? (If you do, stick a link in our comments so we can come visit you.)

Vacation Edition:
Houston, Texas; 6:48am
from the hotel balcony

And a couple shots from Friday night...





  1. You are always up so early!! Love the Friday Night pictures! I know you are having a great time and my whole house is excited for ya'lls visit soon!!

  2. Wait, you're in TEXAS? Did I miss this somewhere?

  3. and BETH!! Love love love it! How many butterflies were in that tummy of yours?? I am hoping the rest of your trip is wonderfully exciting and fun!

  4. Priceless pictures for sure!
    Thanks for sharing!

  5. thanks for sharing your pictures..I was so sorry that I had to miss it...


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