Monday, October 19, 2009

Sunshine Bound

Today Pat (my hubby) and nine others are on the first leg of a trip that will bring them to Grand Goave, Haiti.

The team will spend two weeks working alongside Haiti Arise Ministries, with several of the team members leading medical clinics and others (including Pat) doing some trades work to help complete HAM's school building. Since the school is a trades school, as they work the team will have students watching and helping.

I am so excited to hear the stories, and so proud of my man for taking such a big step of faith and obedience. What do you think the chances are that he'll come home with a little Haitian baby... (Kidding. Sort of.)

If you think of them these next two weeks, please lift a prayer for their ministry, their safety, their health, and the people they will be spending their days with.

If you think of me these next two weeks, please lift a prayer for us - for us to have joy, love, and good attitudes.

A couple facts about Haiti:
- poorest country in the Western hemisphere
- roughly half the population practices voodoo
- only half the population is literate
- children are routinely sold into slavery

Haiti Arise:
- founded by Marc Honorat, former child slave
- their goal is to educate the people of Haiti so that they can both provide for their families and stimulate the economy
- they currently run a vocational college and numerous community projects
- they will eventually run a children's home for children orphaned and/or rescued from slavery


  1. I had a good friend who went once a year to serve in Haiti and fell in love with the people. What a wonderful opportunity for your hubbs!
    Hope you do well at home without him as well (cuz we all know that part can be rough too)!

  2. WOW! I had no idea what he was walking into in Haiti.

  3. Yaaaah Pat and Yaaaah Tyler for supporting him while he is away from his family for a short while. God will bless you as you continue to bless others...He is a great God!

    Can you ask him to bring me home a little Haitian baby too??


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