Monday, October 5, 2009


Have you ever felt like you are under attack from all sides? As though every circumstance in your life is coming together against you?

I know I do. Often it comes in "seasons" - a season of relative peace and rest, followed by a season of trial and struggle. Lately, though, it's been coming at me differently each day. One day of knowing God is right here with me, the next day feeling like the enemy is coming at me from every angle. It's so easy to become discouraged and feel defeated in the midst of such attack (and that's just a day, so imagine how beaten down one must feel in the midst of a season like this).

Today, I found encouragement for these days and seasons through Nehemiah's words. You see, Nehemiah and some others set out to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. The wall had been battered to such a point that it was in utter disrepair. The wall was ugly and broken and unable to protect the people from further attack. As Nehemiah and his men were rebuilding it, their enemies were taunting them and plotting to defeat them.

I know how they must have felt. If I were in their shoes (and we all have been), I'd be thinking about hiding, cowering, avoiding the attack. I'd be telling myself that it isn't worth it, that no matter what I did they would keep on attacking and would eventually win, that I just wasn't strong enough to fight anymore. I would be begging God to just reach down and rescue me, for if I were attacked any longer I would sure die! Sound familiar?

Are you fighting circumstances right now that you think just might be the end of you? Are you so bone-weary of being attacked that you want to give up?

Be encouraged, as I was, by the words of Nehemiah...

Don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes. ~Nehemiah 4:14b

When Nehemiah's enemies learned that he was aware of their plotting and planning, and that God had frustrated their plans (by making Nehemiah and his men aware and alert, strengthening them to fight), their enemies scattered and Nehemiah returned to his God-ordained work.

In our day-to-day, season-by-season battles with the enemy of our souls, we are guaranteed victory in Christ. The only defeat comes when we allow ourselves to be discouraged and lose heart (the enemy cannot defeat us). So take up your shield of faith, remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, let the enemy know you're onto his schemes, and fight. Fight for yourself, your loved ones, your calling.

Once the enemy realizes that he just can't discourage you (and that his battle won't be won in your head and heart), he will scatter just like Nehemiah's enemies and you can (and must) return to your God-ordained work.

Father, don't let us be discouraged by the taunting of our enemies. Help us to not succumb to attack in the battlefield of our minds, giving in and giving up. God, we remember You - You are awesome and powerful. Infuse us with renewed hope, strength, and energy for the battle, Lord. Open our eyes to see that You have us surrounded, hemmed in by Your love and protection, and that the enemies all around us are far beyond Your walls, out-of-reach. Jesus, you have already rescued us through Your death and resurrection, so don't let us now be defeated by our circumstances. With You, Lord, we can stand up to fight another day.


  1. Wow, I can sooo relate! One day I feel strong in Christ, the next day I'm at an all time low. Beautifully written, thanks!

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  2. Amen. Thank you for this post.


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