Thursday, May 29, 2008

Top Ten Signs that You're Getting Old...

Some of my best 'material' is prompted by the musings of others, so if you read both of us you'll know that I've 'borrowed' this topic from my friend Louise.

10. You no longer cry when watching "The Little Mermaid" with your kids. Rather, you spend the hour and-a half napping on the couch while the kids are entertained.
9. Your body refuses to cooperate with the weight loss tricks that worked for you two years ago.
8. When slender people complain about their 'trouble areas' you forget all sense of decorum and guffaw in their face.
7. When you go to the movies, you smuggle snacks in a really large purse and say "I am way to cheap to pay THOSE prices!"
6. You actually begin to care about flossing your teeth daily.
5. You still foolishly try to stay up late occasionally. It takes you a week of naps and early bedtimes to recover from that one late night.
4. You notice feelings of road rage toward other drivers more frequently.
3. Interestingly, other drivers seem to be honking and gesturing at you on a regular basis.
2. While popping one of those lovely pimples that still likes to visit, you get a good view of the crows feet around your eyes.
1. When you're up really, really close to the mirror to put mascara on, you notice one (or two) stray, inch long hair on your chin!


  1. I am sooooo #7... way too
    oh and YIKES!!! #1 is soooo scary..glad to hear I am not the only one growing those nasty little hairs...thought maybe I was turning into a wearwolf or
    thanks for the laugh Tyler

  2. I am sooooo #7... way too
    oh and YIKES!!! #1 is soooo scary..glad to hear I am not the only one growing those nasty little hairs...thought maybe I was turning into a wearwolf or
    thanks for the laugh Tyler

  3. AhHAHAHA!!!! you are crackin' me up girl!! i've been plucking that hair on my chin for at least 5 years! where have yours been?

  4. Oh boy....I can relate!!

    Thanks for the laughs!!

    Have a great weekend!

  5. OK the one late night causing a week of naps had me laughing. OH SO true!!!!


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