Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Where is Your Mission Field?

The Spirit of the LORD God

has taken control of me!

The LORD has chosen and sent me

to tell the oppressed the good news,

to heal the brokenhearted,

and to announce freedom

for prisoners and captives.

~ Isaiah 61:1 (CEV)

What does this passage mean to you?

Who are the oppressed, the brokenhearted, the prisoners, and the captives?

How has God called you, specifically, to minister to them?

Where is your mission field?

1 comment:

  1. To me this passage is a joyful one. A declaration of the power of faith.

    I have never applied this passage to my own life. But if I were to relate it I think I would have to say my mission field is the sick and forgotten. I don't know if that makes any sense, but by forgotten I mean those that don't share the typical views of mainstream society and have been cast aside because of it. I have always considered myself a misfit too!

    I have always been the nurturer. And now caring for the sick and injured is what I've chosen as my profession. My ministry would have to be one of love. Everyone is worthy of love. The belief that love is the answer guides me. Love ourselves. Eachother. The planet.

    Such a great, thought provoking question!


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