Monday, November 15, 2010

Friday Feast (on Monday), 11-12-10

Oops! In the chaos of having everyone off school for a week, I completely missed our date on Friday! Please accept my apologies. :)

So how 'bout we pretend it's Friday, and talk about how we've been filling up on the Word of God in the last week. (November 6-12)

My week, passable. Again, I think I was 6 for 7 (Seriously, what is it about that one day per week I think it's better to sleep?!) but if I'm honest, only 2 of those were of any quality. Four times I opened my Bible to read a chapter of Exodus with kids already awake, and if you asked what I read I probably couldn't tell you. I did it because I knew I had to report in here. But then I couldn't honestly just give you numbers and pretend I had such a good week...

School days, with the routine and the schedule, are so much easier! I need to figure out how to stick to my commitment to spend time with the Lord and reading His Word on weekends and holidays. Because frankly, those are the days I most need His strength! Any tips?

How did you do this week? Is there any passage that spoke to you? How about you share it (I'm sure there is someone here who will be encouraged by it).

This week, I am excited for a fresh start! Our Pastor delivered a stirring sermon about prayer and fasting, and I am all fired up for some deep times of fellowship with the Lord!

In case you're wondering, Friday Feast is our own little group of accountability, encouraging one another to feast on the Word of God daily. There are no rules. Join in any time (or re-join). We're here for each other!


  1. I just started my 3rd week of getting up an hour before everyone else. I am working through a devotional called "Preparing My Heart For Advent". I spend about 30 minutes on this study then I get out my prayer journal in which I talk with my Lord and turn things over to Him. I have to tell you that at first I was not seeing much change in my days. They were still hard to get through and the kids seem to do everything wrong and could never please me (these things are in my prayer journal!). But today I am noticing changes in myself. I even get up early on weekends. I guess my body is used to it and I some times wake up before the alarm even goes off. But, that hour with my Jesus and a cup of coffe is the best part of my day! In my study I am going over old testament prophecy about the birth of our Savior and the geneology of Christs earthly parents...A lot of stuff I had never pondered before.

  2. I think I was around 6 for 7. I had a major revelation on Sunday night (which you already know about since I blogged about it). The biggest thing I need to change is I need to be more regular about praying. The plus side is that Chris and I have started reading scripture together at night (not every night YET but it's a start!). This is a great thing! YAY!

  3. I am 7 for 7. Not all of them quality time. Some of them just reading half a chapter in my read the bible in a year challange, (which I am on track!) I need the discipline of doing it purposefully every day!

    Monica, I've done that study too!! That author has a long list of those books... preparing your heart for studies.

  4. I was hanging around Isaiah 61 this morning, and was struck by the fact that the Father has clothed this ripped blue-jeans/flip-flop-wearing mama with a robe of righteousness.

    Thanks for your encouraging words on the High Calling network!


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