Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Email

...continued from yesterday's post, The Interview...

On day twelve of our holidays, we were back in an area with phone reception. As others worked hard tearing down camp so we could hit the road, I snuck in a quick email check.

I immediately noticed an email in the middle of the pack with the subject line, "Welcome." My heart rate picked up as I scrolled down to open it. I read the email over twice, looked out the camper door and said, "They offered me the job."

I was stunned. Terrified. Thrilled.

They were awaiting a reply from me to confirm my acceptance of the position. But could I really do this?

An hour later we were on the road and I shared my runaway thoughts with my husband.

What if it's too much? What if I can't manage working and home and kids? What if I can't keep on top of writing or get speaking engagements? What if I can't find childcare? And do I really want my littlest one to spend half his days with a sitter? And all those other things I'm involved with - which to keep, which to give up? When will I have time for friendships? What if I can't do it? I'm so used to being in charge, what if I stink at being an employee and taking direction? And it's a lot of responsibility - what if I screw it up?

All those questions poured from my mouth in one breath. Instead of addressing my worries, Pat suggested, "Why don't we pray about it?"

I nodded. Then we sat in awkward silence for a good minute. He looked at me and said, "Oh, did you want me to pray?!" We cracked up (great tension relief) and then, with his eyes still fixed on the highway, my husband committed the situation, our family, and me to God.

Questions, worries, and fears drifted away as peace slipped over my soul.

I replied to that email, thanking them for the opportunity...

...And letting them know that I couldn't wait for my first day!

...more to come...


  1. Wow! Exciting changes ahead for your family! You MUST share more when you reply to the email I just sent you. ;)

  2. Woah. While I anticipated this next part of the story it is still shocking and I audibly gasped.


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