Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Just for Today

I arose this morning and asked the Lord to give me the strength I needed for today.

Today, I want to make good, healthy choices that will strengthen my body to do His work. Today, I want to be a proactive parent who trains up her children well. Today, I want to accomplish one task related to my book.

Instead of thinking long-term, lifetime goals - which can often feel overwhelming and discouraging - I am learning to operate one day at a time. Because looking ahead to the place where my ultimate goals are met often leads me to believe they're impossible (or at the very least, too far away to be attainable). But I can do most anything for just one day. Correction - with God's help, I can do anything He asks me to do for today.

Do you have a goal that's felt so far away it seems to be taunting you?

Do a heart check. Is this goal from God?

Try thinking short-term. What can you do, just for today, that will help you reach that goal?

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.
~ Proverbs 16:3

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I can so relate to this! I have been feeling those same things over the last few days and yesterday was a success! I just decided to start doing some things that I've been putting off, there's no time like the present :) It feels great to have a plan and be moving forward. It also leaves soooo much more time for God than when I just wing it. Thanks for sharing this!


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