Tuesday, September 20, 2011

An Everyday Offering

Take your everyday, ordinary life -
your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life -
and place it before God as an offering.
~ Romans 12:1 (Msg)

I often feel like I need to offer God something big. That if I don't make a massive sacrifice, I'm not really loving and serving Him.

But I'm beginning to think that this way of thinking is actually more selfish than self-sacrificial.

The grand gesture is...well...grand. It's an event. It's notable. It often brings us glory. Oh, look how willing they are to serve God! It's, dare I say, easier.

Easier than...

...choosing not to call the driver who keeps braking for green lights an idiot.

...turning away from the dishes to make eye contact with a child telling you an nonsensical story.

...taking time to talk to God before sitting down with email, Facebook, TV, etc. - daily.

...thanking your husband for all that he does and choosing to hold your tongue on those things you wish he'd do differently.

...heading to work with joy in your heart and on your face, even if (or especially if) your job stinks.

It's easier to go on a big diet for a month than to change your eating habits every day for the rest of your life.

But God isn't satisfied with our crash diet acts of service. He longs for our everyday, our ordinary. The daily laying down of our own wants, our bad habits, and our selfish attitudes - these are the offerings He desires.

This is the hard stuff, the true sacrifice... An everyday offering.


  1. You are so right . . . I have to say Ouch! This post steps right on my toes . . . thanks for bringing these things to MY attention.

    God Bless!

  2. Wow this post is just what I needed to read today!!!


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